Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Phase Connect登録者数40,300人再生数2,556,009回登録日2023-11-18Twitter@eimiisami実況イラスト#hamsterpiece配信済2025年の配信2024年の配信配信枠:38件/合計配信時間:134時間41分1月2月3月配信別最大同時接続数2025年3月配信枠:12件/配信記録:12件/配信時間:42時間42分/最大視聴者数の平均値:1182.1/最大視聴者数の中央値:1226.5ALLライブ配信8382025.03.22 11:005:21:44Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】friday night roblox w da hamster AGAINfriday night roblox w da hamster AGAINライブ配信6172025.03.21 11:013:13:10Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】the hamster is NOT an ordained minister ✝️😇 ◜FAITH: The Unholy Trinity◞the hamster is NOT an ordained minister ✝️😇 ◜FAITH: The Unholy Trinity◞ライブ配信1,1982025.03.20 10:594:47:00Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERES MORE. 🕵️🖱️ ◜Roottreemania◞WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERES MORE. 🕵️🖱️ ◜Roottreemania◞ライブ配信1,7962025.03.19 11:003:05:22Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】i love being a reddit moderator!!! 🚨🛜 ◜Hypnospace Outlaw◞i love being a reddit moderator!!! 🚨🛜 ◜Hypnospace Outlaw◞ライブ配信1,2552025.03.14 11:003:47:08Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】STILL know nothing about this game ✝️😇 ◜FAITH: The Unholy Trinity◞STILL know nothing about this game ✝️😇 ◜FAITH: The Unholy Trinity◞ライブ配信1,6162025.03.13 11:034:17:17Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】The Family Tree cant be THAT Bad...!! 🕵️🖱️ ◜The Roottrees are Dead◞The Family Tree cant be THAT Bad...!! 🕵️🖱️ ◜The Roottrees are Dead◞ライブ配信1,4172025.03.12 11:043:46:07Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】i killed my virtual pet hamster. now what🚨🛜 ◜Hypnospace Outlaw◞i killed my virtual pet hamster. now what🚨🛜 ◜Hypnospace Outlaw◞ライブ配信3432025.03.08 12:002:04:28Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】I Either Be a Menace in Roblox or Sit Here IDKI Either Be a Menace in Roblox or Sit Here IDKライブ配信2,0142025.03.07 12:301:50:19Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】i know NOTHING about this game 😨😓 ◜FAITH: The Unholy Trinity◞i know NOTHING about this game 😨😓 ◜FAITH: The Unholy Trinity◞ライブ配信1,6552025.03.06 12:005:00:10Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Cyberstalking is OK if its for CRIME SOLVING 🕵️🖱️ ◜The Roottrees are Dead◞Cyberstalking is OK if its for CRIME SOLVING 🕵️🖱️ ◜The Roottrees are Dead◞ライブ配信7972025.03.05 12:002:24:49Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Exploring a Land Before My Time...🚨🛜 ◜Hypnospace Outlaw◞Exploring a Land Before My Time...🚨🛜 ◜Hypnospace Outlaw◞ライブ配信6392025.03.01 14:003:04:47Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】Eimi Ch. 勇エイミ【Phase Connect】The Collab where my Senpais Kill Me 🍻🔫 ◜Liar's Bar◞The Collab where my Senpais Kill Me 🍻🔫 ◜Liar's Bar◞