Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Phase Connect登録者数45,200人再生数2,594,364回登録日2023-11-18Twitter@RunieRuse実況#runieliveイラスト#ruseum配信予定配信予定2025.03.28 09:00Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【DMC 1】the way I love hate love this game【DMC 1】the way I love hate love this game配信予定2025.03.30 07:00Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】???? TBA idk yet???? TBA idk yet配信予定2025.03.30 12:00Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【R.E.P.O.】a new robot is on the block ...【R.E.P.O.】a new robot is on the block ...配信済2025年の配信2024年の配信配信枠:63件/合計配信時間:136時間21分1月2月3月配信別最大同時接続数2025年3月配信枠:18件/配信記録:18件/配信時間:43時間27分/最大視聴者数の平均値:738.7/最大視聴者数の中央値:740ALL Words of AffirmationAtelier YumiaAudio DramaDMC 1Meet Cute PHASMOPHOBIAR.E.P.O.Rise & Ruse, Runatics!RUNIE RUSEDAY #64RUNIE RUSEDAY #65RUNIE RUSEDAY #66RUNIE RUSEDAY #67ライブ配信5502025.03.26 08:591:59:23Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【RUNIE RUSEDAY #67】MAD 😈 LIBS【RUNIE RUSEDAY #67】MAD 😈 LIBSライブ配信1,0092025.03.23 07:003:29:06Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【Atelier Yumia】Evil woman plays the BRAND NEW Atelier game! ✨#AtelierYumia #sponsored【Atelier Yumia】Evil woman plays the BRAND NEW Atelier game! ✨#AtelierYumia #sponsored2082025.03.22 09:001:19:11Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【PHASMOPHOBIA】NIGHTMARE for COWARDS 👻 13 Willow Street Edition【PHASMOPHOBIA】NIGHTMARE for COWARDS 👻 13 Willow Street Editionライブ配信5992025.03.21 08:593:26:08Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【DMC 1】motivation acquired 🫡【DMC 1】motivation acquired 🫡2942025.03.20 09:0056:41Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【PHASMOPHOBIA】Survival of the Fittest ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Weekly Challenge on 42 Edgefield Road【PHASMOPHOBIA】Survival of the Fittest ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ Weekly Challenge on 42 Edgefield Roadライブ配信9572025.03.19 09:092:38:45Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【RUNIE RUSEDAY #66】Wikihow: BECOMING AUSSIE【RUNIE RUSEDAY #66】Wikihow: BECOMING AUSSIEライブ配信1,2052025.03.17 12:004:45:33Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【R.E.P.O.】I can't get over these stoopid little robots they're so !! cute !!!【R.E.P.O.】I can't get over these stoopid little robots they're so !! cute !!!ライブ配信9082025.03.16 07:001:55:50Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】༻🚂 CHU! CHU! DEBUT!!💨💨 ༺ She's finally back from the farm!༻🚂 CHU! CHU! DEBUT!!💨💨 ༺ She's finally back from the farm!ライブ配信8952025.03.15 08:582:28:46Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【DMC 1】I FINALLY FOUND VERGIL !!! Now let's kick his butt :D【DMC 1】I FINALLY FOUND VERGIL !!! Now let's kick his butt :Dライブ配信1,3042025.03.14 08:593:46:59Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【PHASMOPHOBIA】Judging this Bleasdale Farmhouse rework ...【PHASMOPHOBIA】Judging this Bleasdale Farmhouse rework ...ライブ配信1,0182025.03.12 09:022:18:42Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【RUNIE RUSEDAY #65】DROOL 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦【RUNIE RUSEDAY #65】DROOL 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦ライブ配信7842025.03.11 12:092:17:53Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【R.E.P.O.】I can't get over these stoopid little robots they're so !! cute !!!【R.E.P.O.】I can't get over these stoopid little robots they're so !! cute !!!ライブ配信1,0532025.03.09 07:571:08:33Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】First Date with my ༻🖤 GOTH GF 🖤༺ !!First Date with my ༻🖤 GOTH GF 🖤༺ !!ライブ配信6172025.03.08 09:593:30:36Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【DMC 1】CHAT CHOOSES THE GAME【DMC 1】CHAT CHOOSES THE GAMEライブ配信4392025.03.07 09:592:28:20Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Mmmm ALIAS STILL looks mighty hungry to me ... 😋Mmmm ALIAS STILL looks mighty hungry to me ... 😋ライブ配信5282025.03.05 10:022:04:34Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【RUNIE RUSEDAY #64】🤖 ROBOTS v. DINOSAURS 🦖【RUNIE RUSEDAY #64】🤖 ROBOTS v. DINOSAURS 🦖ライブ配信6962025.03.03 00:022:29:11Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【Rise & Ruse, Runatics!】Cozy, Coffee Chats~!【Rise & Ruse, Runatics!】Cozy, Coffee Chats~!2322025.03.02 08:0023:05Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】Runie Ch. ルニ・ルーズ【Phase Connect】【Audio Drama】❄️✨ Your Very Own Snow Angel ✨❄️【Meet Cute // Words of Affirmation】【Audio Drama】❄️✨ Your Very Own Snow Angel ✨❄️【Meet Cute // Words of Affirmation】