Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】にじさんじEN登録者数236,000人再生数14,499,020回登録日2023-06-07Twitter@Tyrant_Vanta実況#VantaHoursイラスト#Vantalism配信済2025年の配信2024年の配信2023年の配信配信枠:27件/合計配信時間:96時間54分1月2月3月配信別最大同時接続数2025年3月配信枠:11件/配信記録:10件/配信時間:42時間19分/最大視聴者数の平均値:714.1/最大視聴者数の中央値:692.5ALLライブ配信7822025.03.14 13:082:50:23Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【POPPY PLAYTIME CHAPTER 4】POPPY ITS PLAYTIME AGAIN【POPPY PLAYTIME CHAPTER 4】POPPY ITS PLAYTIME AGAINライブ配信7312025.03.12 12:032:38:40Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【MISIDE #2】This is NOT a Dating Sim... but I like it【MISIDE #2】This is NOT a Dating Sim... but I like itライブ配信7732025.03.10 12:024:03:16Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【MISIDE】Fun New Dating Sim :D【MISIDE】Fun New Dating Sim :Dライブ配信6012025.03.09 10:042:46:19Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Shooting Around and I MIGHT be a little tipsy【BUCKSHOT ROULETTE】Shooting Around and I MIGHT be a little tipsy【BUCKSHOT ROULETTE】ライブ配信ARCHIVE2025.03.08 03:00Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】KRISISIS RAVENSWATCH TIME 【RAVENSWATCH】KRISISIS RAVENSWATCH TIME 【RAVENSWATCH】ライブ配信6542025.03.07 00:134:06:50Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【FAST FOOD SIMULATOR】I SIMULATE FAST FOOD WITH MY FRIENDS【FAST FOOD SIMULATOR】I SIMULATE FAST FOOD WITH MY FRIENDSライブ配信4402025.03.06 11:063:53:07Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【MONSTER HUNTER WILDS #3】WHAT HAPPENS NOW?【MONSTER HUNTER WILDS #3】WHAT HAPPENS NOW?ライブ配信3562025.03.05 10:102:37:50Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【Fortnite】Felt cute, will delete later【Fortnite】Felt cute, will delete laterライブ配信1,2602025.03.04 10:016:06:02Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【RAVENSWATCH】I GOT MY FRIENDS TO PLAY RAVENSWATCH WITH ME【RAVENSWATCH】I GOT MY FRIENDS TO PLAY RAVENSWATCH WITH MEライブ配信9662025.03.01 16:067:04:17Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【RAVENSWATCH #2】Damn Vanta, Back at it again with Ravenswatch【RAVENSWATCH #2】Damn Vanta, Back at it again with Ravenswatchライブ配信5782025.03.01 07:036:12:45Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】Vantacrow Bringer 【NIJISANJI EN】【MONSTER HUNTER WILDS #2】WE CONTINUE THE HUNT【MONSTER HUNTER WILDS #2】WE CONTINUE THE HUNT