Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Phase Connect登録者数108,000人再生数9,349,008回登録日2021-05-31Twitter@Kaneko_Lumi実況イラスト#lumillust配信済2025年の配信2024年の配信配信枠:24件/合計配信時間:38時間02分1月2月配信別最大同時接続数2025年2月配信枠:8件/配信記録:8件/配信時間:15時間35分/最大視聴者数の平均値:1063.4/最大視聴者数の中央値:1019.5ALLライブ配信1,1212025.02.21 02:032:19:35Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】[Outerworld Station] There's nothing quite like brutal optimization![Outerworld Station] There's nothing quite like brutal optimization!ライブ配信8852025.02.15 02:001:33:14Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】[Phases of the Heart] Meet me at the park bench[Phases of the Heart] Meet me at the park benchライブ配信1,1652025.02.14 02:033:00:42Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】[Phases of the Heart] A TRUE ZATSU!? Getting to know LUMI[Phases of the Heart] A TRUE ZATSU!? Getting to know LUMIライブ配信1,5532025.02.12 02:161:15:42Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】[Phases of the Heart] Lumi's Love Lounge[Phases of the Heart] Lumi's Love Loungeライブ配信1,0102025.02.08 02:001:39:08Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】[A Game About Digging A Hole] There is no lake at Camp Green Lake[A Game About Digging A Hole] There is no lake at Camp Green Lakeライブ配信9012025.02.07 02:012:35:32Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】[While We Wait Here] It's the end of the f***ing world[While We Wait Here] It's the end of the f***ing worldライブ配信1,0292025.02.06 02:0357:30Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】You find yourself at the tavern one stormy nightYou find yourself at the tavern one stormy nightライブ配信8432025.02.01 02:002:13:53Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】Lumi Ch.【Phase Connect】[Felvidek] Medieval on the mind[Felvidek] Medieval on the mind